# Minimum Rage ## by Public Phone School *two short Hand claps* Drag 'em down— head empty, See if my brain was just asleep. [?] focus [?] Ev'ry day, Ev'ry day. Slept for hours, I'm worn feet Working till my fingers bleed Is this all that there is? Just to buy some six of beer, Just to fucking eat and sleep? It just doesn't seem so clear. All just to eat and sleep? This is all that there is? Ev'ry day's the fucking same. Punching in, and clocking out, Is this all my life's about Punching in, clocking out, Is this all life's about? There has to be more than this. There has to be more than this. Ev'ry day, Ev'ry day, Punching in, and clocking out, Is this all life's about? There has to be more. There has to be more than this. There has to be more than this. Oh, but [?] window— All for a life with nothing at all, Nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all. Ev'ry day, clocking in; Ev'ry day, clocking out. There has to be more than this. There has to be more than this. Mr. Hyunn: Then, what are you doing with the bording holster phone? Helga: Uh… I was just checking to sss-see if it was working correctly, I-I-I'm an intern at, uh, public phone school. Mr. Hyunn: Public phone school‽ What a crazy town!